my office – making progress

I’m making some progress on my office. A few weekends ago, I went through everything in that room that we didn’t need (old hampers, boxes of clothes we hadn’t unpacked in almost 2 years, etc). So while it is still a crazy mess, it is a crazy mess of things that actually BELONG in that room – they just need to be organized.

I get to resume office organization/decoration this weekend. Most of my inspiration comes from Emily of Jones Design Company. I love her office. Here are a few shots:

I really like the chalkboard accent wall – Brandon isn’t so fond of chalkboard walls.

I love her walls. LOVE THEM.

What a dreamy closet – so organized. I have a large closet in my office, so I’ll be using it for storage. Hopefully I can organize it this nicely.

The plans this weekend include:

1) transforming my cheap Target bookcases by painting and adding crown molding and bead board wall paper to the back

I’m going to use my chalkpaint recipe again since the bookcases are laminate and cannot be sanded. I picked up a vanilla colored paint from Lowe’s this weekend.

2) If I’m feeling REALLY ambitious, I’ll start painting the walls. I picked out a color at Lowe’s and can’t remember the name, but it is similar to Behr’s Ashwood or Mocha Accent:

.. and then I’ll use the left over vanilla color from my bookcases to paint the accent design that Emily has done – here is her awesome tutorial!

3) start organizing! I have a ton of bins and boxes and shelf space. I just need to put things in them and label them. If you are looking for affordable boxes, IKEA has a ton. I got a few of these guys below. While they took a lot more effort to assemble than I expected, I’m happy with them.

4) Hang my rail and corkboard above my desk.

I’m undecided on what to do with my desk. It’s this Shabby Chic desk from Target. One of the very first things I bought when I got my “real” job and my first “real” apartment. Right now, I’m thinking light gray. That will probably change after I get the bookcases done and the walls painted.

Phew. Is it Friday yet?

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