office inspiration: organization

Our third bedroom is rather embarrassing at the moment. I will spare the pictures until the makeover is finished. It became a dumping room for clothes, decorations, furniture and unpacked boxes after we moved in. After we got back from the honeymoon, I stashed all of my wedding “stuff” in there too. Piles of fabric and tissue paper, mason jars, table numbers, etc.

My plan is to clean it out, organize it and make it my craft room/office. Here are some pictures of inspiration:

I love IKEA’s hanging system – you can install a rack and they have all kinds of accessories to hang. I like the metal and ceramic caddy’s that could hold anything from pens and markers and scissors to fresh flowers!

Given the space I have, I’m thinking that two bookcases on either side of my desk will work out well, kind of like what Kate of Centsational Girl has done. It will give me plenty of storage space for the massive amounts of supplies and craft items I have:

Above my desk, in addition to the IKEA hanging caddy’s, I want a corkboard for inspiration. Either above that or somewhere in the room, I’d love to incorporate this fun DIY from mintlovesocialclub:

Here’s the image in my head right now…

As far as colors go, I’m thinking peach, cream and gray. I love this tray:

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2 Responses to office inspiration: organization

  1. If you’re looking for bookcases that are inexpensive and you don’t find any that you like at Ikea, check Target! They have some really nice plain bookcases. I recently purchased a big black bookcase and a smaller matching one at Target. The big one was $20 and the smaller one $15. But I’m sure you’ll find something you like at Ikea. You can’t go there and not like everything you see – hahaa

    • mrsgulla says:

      Thanks for the tip! I actually have one Target bookcase and think I’ll go back and buy a second. I’m thinking about painting them and putting crown molding around the top to make them look less cheap! You can’t beat the price, that’s for sure.

what do you think?